to bang on the 2 year M.Ed. course where we are the first hand and first batch experimental
cats and rats of this 2 year course (2015-17). SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, Pondicherry University has supported us for
being called as future teacher educators. Fingers crossed….as waiting for the
result to know “are we successful, skilled, and efficient enough to prepare
future teachers of almost 130 billion populated country called INDIA???”TIME has
alarmed to reflect upon those experiences that we are gaining from last one and
ten months almost…..
FIVE SENSES (PANCHA INDRIYA): our beloved teachers is running
in the corner of Humanities block of Silver Jubilee Campus. M.Ed. class of us
with 25 students has enrolled only 10 students last year for the course as our
juniors where it has stopped offering all specialization courses except
technology of education to be taught because of scarcity of both students and
expert teachers of those different fields. How can we stop offering courses if
it is to be compulsorily offered as per NCTE guideline. School Of Education
only sounds by its pretty name not by the infrastructural facilities that it
has. Dean is working as an in charge where his absenteeism in School is always
felt by students even the office opens sometimes at 11 a.m. though classes
begin at 10 a.m. and often it does not open at all. The improper and delayed
function of the School’s office has impacted each unit and entity of the School
including both teachers and students. Still as the future teacher educators we
keep silence to our optimum level of patience so called disciplined teachers. These
are all the pathetic description of SCHOOL OF EDUCATION of one of the central
university of INDIA…
With this positive outlook, we hope
for the best at least in terms of task for which we came here that is to become
professional teacher educators. Keeping this attitude, we have observed that
after the implementation of this 2 year M.Ed. course by NCTE, SOE, PU should be
saluted by running the course with its utmost effort to carry out each and
every activities framed by NCTE in spite of its own limitations. SALUTE to the teachers….of SCHOOL OF EDUCATION. In the
constructivist techniques of teaching and learning followed by M.Ed.
classrooms, we construct our own knowledge of course with the scaffolding
offered by the teachers. The learning environment becomes joyful and full of
fun sometimes in many teachers’ classes. Each and every class offers a new
thrilling experience of teaching, it may be handling a class of students with
much diversity or coming to class of higher education without preparation but
the diverse strategies used to teach is excellent. Though in the beginning, we
are troubled by those tight schedule of assignments, presentations, exams,
reflections, practicums, own way of guidance by the teachers as per the
supervisor role which follows no uniformity in their instructions, now we have
a notion that each piece of this experience is a learning. We are being
continuously exposed to diverse multimedia tools and platforms, assessed by
multiple ways which even the curriculum of M.Ed. does not prescribe. It’s up to
an assurance level that we have learnt much like as future teacher educators where
we are able to discriminate between what should we carry out and what should
not be followed, how to prosper in own area, how to accept others. In a broader
perspective, the outlook, attitude, perception towards everything has changed
for us which guarantees that definitely the future teacher educators are going
to rock and better not only as good academicians but also as understanding the
future and accepting the change.
The way we learn and reflect upon as
future teacher educators mostly carries contextualism with the existed life
from economic, political, cultural, social and technological aspect of it. In
spite of the divergence in thinking, we act cooperatively, collaboratively
among each other with passion, enthusiasm, positive outlook and understanding
of the image we are supposed to maintain as future teacher educators. We learn
from our peer group, develop accepting criticisms, changes, and look for
resolution through discussion which are all the reflection of our teachers. We
also accept the saying a good student can learn best from a bad teacher.
All these attitudes of changing own self
which automatically changes everything around us gives a professional outlook
among us as future teacher educators where we wish to learn more, do more,
experiment more, do a lots of mistakes and learn from all these with the
attitude that not to repeat the mistakes. Personally, I do feel that we shall
get a better platform to explore than SOE, PU but we should learn brilliantly
with the apparatus provided rather wasting time, energy and labour on blaming
either the system or the process. The best gift over my 4 years of life spent
in pondy is my friends that SOE has gifted. PROUD to have them in my life. Thank
you Ma’am for giving the platform of academic writing to express my emotions.
One wish I still carry is to get a warmth, affectionate hug from you Ma’am as
your blessing. I have learnt a lot from you with an urge to learn more from you
always. You will be always one of the inspiration and role model in my career
and in my life too.